
 亞太STEM教育協會 第一屆理事長 王湘妤






My involvement in STEM education began in 2017, when there was a surge of interest in the toy and educational industry. Many products were marketed as STEM education tools, which caused me to feel overwhelmed with choices due to my lack of understanding and knowledge about STEM education. This motivated me to research what STEM education is, the reasons for its development, its core concepts, and specific implementation methods. The deeper I delved into my research, the more I realized the impact STEM education has had on the past, present, and future world. As I continued my research, I began sharing and promoting STEM education to others.

From 2017 to the end of 2021, I have been sharing the core concepts of STEM education and how to integrate them into teaching and curriculum design in various training sessions, seminars, and workshops for kindergarten teachers and publishers. I deeply feel the need to rally more people to join the effort of promoting STEM education.

In recent years, with the promotion of the 108 curriculum in Taiwan and the emphasis on interdisciplinary and technology education, STEM has become a popular educational keyword in the field of education. This trend has swept through book publishing, toy design, and various education-related products. We are glad to see more and more attention given to STEM. However, we also notice that some misconceptions are spreading, such as courses in robotics, programming, or science experiments being labeled as STEM education simply because they involve STEM.

With these observations and findings, we have become more concerned about whether any organization, unit, or even individual with teaching functions has sufficient and correct understanding of STEM education. It is important to grasp the core concepts of STEM education rather than just focusing on technical skills and tools, and to not overlook the important core elements of interdisciplinary, real-life application, and connections.

The establishment of the Asian Association for the Education of STEM (AAES) aims to promote the correct concept of STEM education through curriculum and sharing. After undergoing training and practical exercises through our courses, we hope that individuals and groups can take on the responsibility of conveying the correct concepts and implementing them in their work and daily lives. The association has introduced professional certification from, a credible organization with over 20 years of development history in the United States, to cultivate STEM curriculum promotion capabilities in the Asia Pacific region and work together to promote STEM education! We sincerely welcome and look forward to your participation in this effort !